Present Continuous

We use the present continuous when we talk about something which is happening at the time of speaking, or actions happening "around now", even though not at the moment of speaking.

The present continuous also has some future meanings.

Hey, what are you doing? - I am working on my thesis. I am graduating this semester

The present continuous is formed with the auxiliary verb to be and the -ing form of the main verb.

This is contracted in speech and informal writing. Questions are formed by inverting the subject and the auxiliary verb to be. Negatives are formed with the verb to be + not. This is also contracted in speech and informal writing.

(+) He is sleeping on the couch in the living room./He's sleeping there

(-) He is not sleeping on the couch in the living room./He isn't sleeping there
(?) Where is he? Is he sleeping?

Some time markers can show that we talk about something which is happening at the time of speaking, or actions happening "around now". THese time markers are now, right now, at the moment, today, this week etc.

I'm quite busy this year as I'm trying to start my small business.

We also use the present continuous when we talk about changing situations.

The population of the world increases very fast. The population of the world is increasing very fast

Guided Practice#

  • I (to fry) potatoes, my mom (to wash) the dishes, and my brothers (to wait) patiently for dinner to be ready.
  • (it/to rain) outside? - No, it (not to rain). It's a bit cloudy but kids (to play) outside anyway.
  • Samantha is taking Chinese classes this year. She is studying a lot.
  • The economic situation is already bad but it (to get) worse.

Short Story using Present Continuous#

Hello, Mike! How are you doing these days?

Hi, Sam! I'm fine, thanks! I'm doing an internship at one publishing house.

Oh, really? Are you enjoying it?

Yeah, I'm learning a lot of small but crucial details. How about you?

Well, I'm not working at the moment. I'm trying to find a job in my field. It's a difficult task!

Yeah, I totally get you! Well, I have to go now. Good luck!

Thank! Good luck to you too! See you!


Independent Practice#

Choose the correct phrase.

  1. Be quiet! I try/am trying to concentrate.

  2. Sorry, I can't help you right now. I be fixing/am fixing my dad's computer.

  3. It's very warm today. Why you are/are you wearing a coat?

Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase.

beginning · becoming · doing · giving

  1. Don't disturb Ann. She is .................... her taxes.

  2. This is brilliant, isn't it? They're .................... their best performance.

  3. At first I didn't like my job but I'm .................... to enjoy it.

  4. Ocean pollution is .................... a real problem.

Answer the questions.

  1. What are you doing right now?

  2. Is anything interesting happening in your country?

  3. Do you know what your family is doing now?

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