Abstract Nouns

Abstract nouns refer to intangible things, like actions, feelings, ideals, concepts, and qualities.

Abstract nouns fall into several categories:

  • emotions and feelings -- anger, sadness, love, grief etc.

  • human qualities and characteristics -- beauty, maturity, humour, patience etc.

  • ideas and concepts -- knowledge, freedom, luxury, comfort etc.

  • events -- Marriage, birthday, career, adventure etc.

Many abstract nouns are formed from adjectives, verbs, or nouns. Sometimes you can add a suffix to the concrete noun or alter the word root to form abstract nouns.

child (concrete noun), childhood (abstract noun)

Nouns with the following suffixes are often abstract:


Guided Practice#

  • Michael's indifference was breeding hate towards him.
  • Her dedication is something that can't be ignored.
  • Freedom of speech is basic human right.
  • Will you attend Kate and William's wedding?

They totally failed (verb)

  • It was a total .................... ! (abstract noun)

Short Story using Abstract Nouns#

-It was such a lovely wedding!

-Yeah, you’re right! There was so much love and appreciation in the air. And I couldn’t stop looking at those two! They were destined to be together.

-I don’t believe in destiny or anything like that but I’m really happy that their friendship grew into a loving relationship based on mutual respect and trust.

Independent Practice#

Fill in the gaps. Use the words in brackets to form abstract nouns.

  1. .................... can save the world. (kind)
  2. Kate’s parents can’t stop talking about the .................... of going to college. (important)

  3. My brother’s .................... will get him nowhere. (lazy)

  4. It was my .................... to accompany you. (please)

  5. I could see all shades of .................... in her actions. (angry)

  6. Jake had all sorts of .................... when he saw his crush talking to another guy. (think)

  7. I am sure that our .................... will last forever. (friend)

  8. I couldn’t contain my .................... . (excited)

  9. Dogs are known for their .................... . (loyal)

  10. I value .................... above all. (honest)

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