Will - Would

We normally use will to speak about the future, though it is also classified as a modal verb. We use the modal verb will and base form of the verb to form sentences. Questions are formed by inverting the subject and will. Negatives are formed with not. Contracted forms are used (won't).

We can use the modal verb will:

  • to express rapid decision.

Which one? - Hmm, I will have the tuna sandwich

  • to express thoughts or beliefs about the future.

I think they will remain friends forever

  • to make an offer, a promise, or a threat.

I will not disappoint you!

  • to talk about predictable behaviour.

He will eat chocolate when he feels anxious

Note that we use won't when someone refuses to do something.

I tried reassuring him, but he won't listen to me

We use the modal verb would and the base form of the verb to form sentences. Questions are formed by inverting the subject and would. Negatives are formed with not.

We can use the modal verb would:

  • as a polite invitation or to offer

Would you like to spend this evening together with me?

  • to describe a prediction

It would be nice to be a little bit funnier

  • not to sound impolite when disagreeing with someone

I wouldn't put it like that

  • to describe past habits

She would fall asleep when she was on a train.

Note that we use wouldn't when someone refused to do something.

James said that he wouldn't help us at all

Guided Practice#

  • I guess we .................... live on Mars someday.
  • If you don't stop playing around, I .................... be very angry!
  • .................... you like some coffee?
  • I .................... like to point out that you need to make a few changes there.
  • She .................... call me at night whenever she had a fight with her boyfriend.

Short Story using Modal Verbs Will - Would#

Would you like to go to the movies tonight?

I certainly would!

I think you'll like this one. You like comedies, right?

That's right. When I was a kid I would watch comedies from the 90s. It would be cool see some older movies on a big screen.

Yeah, that would be cool. Shall we go now though?

I'll make a quick call and we can go then, OK?

Yes, sure. Take your time.

Independent Practice#

Fill in the gaps with will or would.

  1. I .................... call you later, sorry.

  2. Chris .................... hang up whenever I brought up that issue.

  3. If I had a chance, I .................... become an astronaut.

  4. We .................... be very grateful if you could send these prints immediately.

Match the sentences.

a. I don't mind if you stay.1. You can't ignore my question.
b. Will you say anything?2. It would be amazing actually
c. Will he ever grow up?3. He is so immature.

Answer the questions.

  1. What will you do tomorrow?

  2. Do you think that you will win the lottery one day?

  3. What would you do if you were a mayor of your city?

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