Prepositions of Manner

Prepositions of manner are used to express the manner in which something is done. We usually use prepositions of manner when we answer the question beginning with "How?".

How did she lose weight? - She lost weight by exercising.

There are several groups of prepositions of manner:

  • in, with -- are used to describe the way in which something is carried out.

She left the stage in tears

She was singing with tears in her eyes

  • by -- is used to denote either a person or a means of transportation, while with denotes an instrument.

This house was build by my grandfather

Helen goes to work by bus
You need to cut the cake with a knife

We can also use by + V-ing.

You can't prove them wrong by doing nothing

  • at -- can be used to describe aggressive behaviour. Compare the following examples:

He talked to his wife (neutral)

He talked at his wife (aggressive behaviour)

We can also use the phrase in a friendly way/manner to describe actions.

Mrs. Anderson spoke to me in an extremely polite manner

Guided Practice#

  • The student left the class .................... tears after being shouted at .................... the teacher. The next day the teacher .................... tears in her eyes was apologising to the student.
  • All the pies are baked .................... my mom. Recently she has started baking sponge cakes. You need to whisk the dough for 30 minutes to get a nice texture but it was too rough to do it manually. But .................... a new mixer it is truly a piece of cake!

Mr. Taws always talks to his employees. (neutral)

  • ........................................ (aggressive behaviour)

Short Story using Prepositions of Manner#

Alice looks amazing! How did she manage to lose weight?

By exercising regularly!

Was there some special diet?

No, not really. For example, I go to work by bus and Alice always goes on foot. It seems obvious but you really can lose weight by walking everywhere.

Maybe I need to change my attitude to walking. I work out with pleasure because I feel like I'm definitely doing something to lose weight. But when it comes to walking somewhere, I'd rather go by car.

Independent Practice#

Fill in the gaps with in, with, by, at.

  1. Trying to cut a steak .................... a fork is not the best idea.

  2. I don't like travelling long distances .................... car.

  3. Little Suzy left the room .................... tears after being scolded .................... her parents.

  4. Al was telling her something, but she suddenly snapped .................... him.

  5. Kim suddenly stopped playing and threw the ball .................... Noah.

  6. Mr. Griffit always reacts .................... anger whenever a student makes a mistake.

  7. You can't make friends .................... being grumpy all the time.

  8. This story was written .................... Agatha Christie.

  9. I love Sandra's attitude to everything - she always does things .................... a joyful manner!

  10. You'll actually save time .................... going there on foot.

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