Compound Conjunctions

Compound conjunctions are phrases which are used as conjunctions. A compound conjunction has two or three words that go together - so that, as long as, even though etc.

You can buy whatever you want as long as you use your own money

Even though compound conjunctions have two or three words that go together, they are different from correlative conjunctions which are conjunctions used only in pairs. Compare the sentences:

Beth likes painting as well as drawing

Beth thinks that you can be good either at painting or at drawing

They are several commonly used compound conjunctions:

You can buy clothes as well as shoes there (You can buy clothes and shoes there)

As soon as it started raining, they opened the windows in the apartment (It started raining and they immediately opened the windows)
The kid sang so loudly as if/as though there was no one in the room (The kids sang so loudly like there was no one in the room)
Even if/Even though I don't like plain honey, I'll eat sweets with honey in them (I don't like plain honey but nevertheless I'll eat sweets with hone in them)
John will pass the test provided that he studies every day (If John studies every day, he'll pass the test)
I'll turn off my phone so that no one disturbs me
Please turn off your phones in order that we are not disturbed by anyone (in order that is more formal than so that)

Guided Practice#

  • As long as you are sound and happy, we will be happy too!
  • Even though it was extremely difficult, we managed to finish everything on time. Yet the boss wasn't happy with the final result - and we had to redo the whole project as well as find a new concept idea.
  • (as if) She talked to me. She was mad at me.
  • (even if) I have to stay up very late. I will help you out.

Short Story using Compound Conjunctions#

Could you hurry up so that we don't miss the movie?

Give me a minute! It's not as if I'm being late on purpose!

Well, you could have started getting dressed earlier then. If we don't leave now, we'll miss the movie as well as our cab. It's waiting for us outside.

OK, I'm coming! See, it didn't take that long.

Independent Practice#

Fill in the gaps with the words and phrases in the box.

if - soon - that - even - in - otherwise - provided - even though - as - as soon

  1. Jack is always so dramatic as .................... he were a soap opera actor. I don't understand why he is like that.

  2. .................... as they broke up, they both started dating other people. I can't wrap my head around it.
  3. Sam works full-time .................... well as takes care of everything at home. He is a wonderful husband!

  4. .................... that you sign the contract, we can discuss the project details.
  5. You can buy a new car provided that you get a part-time job. .................... you can't afford it.

  6. Liz always calls her parents during the day .................... there is a huge time difference. She is in the States now, and they're in Australia.

  7. Kate always eats breakfast .................... if she is late to work.

  8. I'd rather come to work earlier so .................... I don't have to experience the rush hour ever again.

  9. She left the room in tears as .................... as he started shouting at her.

  10. The papers should be ready today .................... order that we can estimate the costs.

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