Superlative Adjectives

Superlative adjectives are used to describe an object which is at the upper or lower limit of a quality (the tallest, the smallest etc.). They are used in sentences where a subject is compared to a group objects.

When forming the superlative degree follow the pattern noun/pronoun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun/pronoun (object).

My room is the largest one in the house

The group that is being compared with can be omitted if it is clear from the context that something is at the upper or lower limit of a quality.

She is the prettiest (girl in the office.)

Superlative adjectives with one syllable are normally formed by adding -est to the adjective.

smart - the smartest

if an adjective has a consonant + single vowel + consonant spelling, the final consonant must be doubled before adding -est.

big - the biggest

Adjectives ending in consonant + -y change -y to -i and add -est,

dry - the driest

Adjectives with two syllables can form the superlative either by adding -est or by preceding the adjective with the most.

happy - the happiest

tangled - the most tangled

In many cases, both forms are used, although one usage will be more common than the other. If you are not sure whether a two-syllable adjective can take a superlative ending, use the most instead.

Adjectives with three or more syllables form the superlative by preceding the adjective with the most.

beautiful - the most beautiful

Some adjectives do not follow any of the rules explained earlier. They are compared irregularly. Here are the most common irregular adjectives.

goodbetterthe best
badworsethe worst
farfarther/furtherthe farthest/furthest
littlelessthe least
much/manymorethe most

Guided Practice#

  • Adam is (tall) .................... boy in class.
  • heavy → ....................
  • fat → ....................
  • hot → ....................
  • easy → ....................
  • wealthy → ....................
  • important → ....................
  • difficult → ....................

Short Story using Superlative Adjectives#

How are you doing?

I'm OK. And how are you?

I'm fine, thank you! I must say that you look more tired in comparison to when I saw you last time.

Yeah, my life is in the most complicated stage now. I'm finishing my studies and... I'm craving for sleep! I try to choose the healthiest options when I eat. I try to be the most active but it doesn't help when you sleep 4 hours a day.

I totally get you! Life was definitely in the easiest stages when we were kids.

Independent Practice#

Choose the correct word or phrase.

  1. You are truly the best/the most good!
  2. This dress is the most unusual/the more unusual one you've ever had.
  3. That was the worst/the worstest day in their life.
  4. Bill is the most attentive/most attentive student I've ever seen.
  5. This was the funniest/the more funnier ride ever!

Form the superlative degree.

  1. This is (good) .................... movie I've ever watched.
  2. This was (little) .................... favourite option of ours.
  3. Have you heard of (dangerous) .................... animal in Alaska?
  4. You are (smart) .................... person I know.
  5. Who is (rich) .................... man on earth?

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