Past Continuous

We use the past continuous when we describe a situation, or several situations in progress, happening at the same time in the past. This is often contrasted with a sudden event in the past simple.

I was working on my computer and my brother was reading a book * when we heard a loud bang on the door *

The past continuous is formed with the past form of the auxiliary verb to be and the -ing form of the main verb. Questions are formed by inverting the subject and the auxiliary verb to be. Negatives are formed with the auxiliary verb to be + not. This is contracted in speech and informal writing.

(+) Jim was playing video games all night

(-) Jim was not playing video games all night./He wasn't playing video games all night
(?) Was Jim playing video games all night? Why was he playing video games all night?

Some time markers can emphasize the duration of the action or state when the action was taking place. These time markers are at 7 o'clock, for two hours, in January, last week, all night etc.

Kate was trying to find a nice apartment in her area for 5 months

We can use when or while with the past continuous to mean "during the time that".

While they were waiting for the train, it started to rain

James broke his finger when he was playing basketball

Remember that non-continuous verbs (e.g to love, hate, know, want etc.) are not used in any continuous tenses. Use the past simple instead.

I was having fun at the party, but Kim was wanting to go home. I was having fun at the party, but Kim wanted to go home

Guided Practice#

  • [While Emily was cooking dinner], [the phone rang].
  • Mike (to paint) the walls in the living room, Ann (to play) with her toys there, Helen (to get) ready for a date, and Nancy (to take) pictures of that busy evening.
  • What (you to do) at 7 p.m. yesterday? - I (not to celebrate) my friend's b-day like I wanted to. I (to help) my boss at work instead.
  • It was snowing heavily yesterday. I was making snowmen with my kids the whole day.
  • Peter fell asleep .................... he was watching TV.

Short Story using Past Continuous#

Nate, where were you yesterday? I was trying to reach you the whole evening.

Sorry, Sam, it was such a crazy day!

Why so?

Well, my college project was due so I was running all over the city collecting information. I needed to write an article so I was meeting up with people, I was even interviewing to strangers in the streets.

That sounds likes a stressful day!

You bet! While I was interviewing one old lady, a cop came up to me and wanted to see my ID. But that’s OK.

Did you finish your project at least?

Thankfully, yes. I was working on it the whole day!

Independent Practice#

Choose the correct phrase.

  1. Last summer I was swimming/swam in the river every day.

  2. While I took/was taking a shower, the phone rang/ringed.

  3. Ann was breaking/broke a cup when she washed/was washing the dishes.

Complete each sentence with a suitable time marker.

at · while · when · in

  1. Sally was working on her thesis .................... 8 o'clock.

  2. Tom was sleeping peacefully in his bed .................... his mom took a picture of him.

  3. I was living in Italy .................... 2009.

  4. A burglar broke into their house .................... they were watching TV.

Answer the questions.

  1. What were you doing at 5 p.m. last night?

  2. What were you doing when you heard a phone call?

  3. What was your family doing when you went on a vacation together?

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