Possessive Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence, making the subject a person or a thing. Possessive pronouns are pronouns that demonstrate ownership.

This car is mine

Possessive pronouns are used instead of a possessive adjective and noun. Study the following table:

SubjectObjectPossesive AdjectivePossesive Pronoun

Note that there is no apostrophe in possessive pronouns ending in -s.

I don’t remember buying these jeans. I think they are yours

Possessive pronouns stand on their own. They are not used with another noun.

This is her cat (possessive adjective + noun)

This cat is hers (possessive pronoun)

We can use possessive pronouns after of.

Jake is one of my friends. = Jake is a friend of mine

Possessive pronouns simplify constructions that show possession of a noun.

This is your room and that is our room. → This is your room and that is ours

Guided Practice#

  • I → ....................
  • you → ....................
  • he → ....................
  • she → ....................
  • it → ....................
  • we → ....................
  • they → ....................
  • This is not .................... ! Give it back!

I don't think it's their car. (possessive adjective + noun)

  • I don't think this car is .................... (possesive pronoun)
  • I'll have lunch with Michael. He is my colleague. = I'll have lunch with ....................
  • My phone is dead. Give me your phone. →

Short Story using Possesive Pronouns#

-This dress is not yours! Give it back, sis!

-What are you talking about? I bought it a week ago.

-No, it’s mine ! I’ve had it for ages! You’re always taking my stuff.

-This dress isn’t yours!

-No, it’s mine and mine alone!

Independent Practice#

Choose the correct word.

  1. The kids are your/yours and my/mine.

  2. The final decision is your/yours to make.

  3. Ann doesn’t trust her/hers parents.

  4. What's my/mine is your/yours , my/mine friend!

  5. Don’t go through my/mine stuff. Its/It’s disrespectful.

Simplify the following sentences by using possessive pronouns.

  1. Shall we go to your place or my place?

  2. Her birthday is on the 12th of May and his birthday is on the 11th.

  3. I doubt that our kitty will get along with your cat.

  4. Collin is my childhood friend.

  5. These are my jeans and these are Miranda’s jeans.

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