Present Simple

We use the present simple when we talk about things in general. We use this tense to say that something:

  • happens all the time
  • happens repeatedly
  • is true in general

Have a look at the example below.

Jane works as a barista. Her shift begins at 7 a.m

In the first sentence is general truth. And the second sentence is something that happens repeatedly all the time.

The present simple is formed with the bare infinitive form of the verb. We add -s in the third person singular (he/she/it).

I like apples but my father likes grapes

Verbs ending in o, s, ch, sh, x add -es for the third person singular.

My sister watches TV in the evening and my brother does his homework

Such verbs as to be and to have are irregular.

To BeTo Have
I amwe areI havewe have
you areyou areyou haveyou have
he/she/it isthey arehe/she/it hasthey have

Note the difference between British English and American English.

(BrE) I have got a car. (Present Perfect)

(AmE) I have a car. (Present Simple)

Questions are formed with do and the bare infinitive form of the verb. The third person singular is formed with does.

Negatives are formed with do not and the bare infinitive form of the verb. The third person singular is formed with does not and the bare infinitive form of verb.

(+) He gets up at 6 o'clock every morning

(-) He does not get up at 6 o'clock every morning. He gets up at 7
(?) Does he get up at 6 o'clock every morning? / When does he get up?

Some time markers can explain how often someone does an action, or something happens. These time markers are always, often, usually, sometimes, rarely, never, every day etc.

I usually cook at home but my friend always eats at the local cafe

Note that in the above examples time markers come before the verb. With the verb to be the time marker comes after it.

Kim is always late for classes

Guided Practice#

  • Agatha (to hate) when her little brothers (to leave) toys in the living room.
  • Noah (to wash) the dishes and his wife (to cook) dinner.
  • My mom's family (to be) quite big. She (to have) 4 brothers and 3 sisters.
  • James (not to like) reading. I (not to get) how it is possible!
  • (every day) People in Britain drink tea.
  • (always) The sun rises in the east.
  • (usually) She is tired after work.

Short Story using Present Simple#

-Hello! What's your name?

-Oh, hi, my name's Sarah. And yours?

-I'm Alex. Nice to meet you, Sarah!

-Nice to meet you too! So, where do you come from?

-I come from Germany. And where are you from?

-I'm from the UK.

-Oh, I have a lot of friends from the UK. You probably have a great sense of humour.

-I'm not sure about that! I don't always get our jokes.

-You're an exception then!

-I'll take that as a compliment.

Independent Practice#

Choose the correct phrase.

  1. Excuse me, do you know/does you know the time?

  2. My sister always is/is always in a hurry.

  3. What time you go/do you go to bed on Fridays?

Write the correct answer

  1. Kelly (to stay/often) at home on Saturdays to work on her projects.

  2. Her brother (not to use) the Internet. He (to like) everything the old-fashioned way.

  3. When (you/to get) home? We need to talk.

  4. (you/to know) Lucy? She (to be) my friend from college.

Answer the following question.

  1. What do you do for a living?

  2. What are your hobbies?

  3. What does your typical Sunday look like?

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