Verb Conjugation

Verb conjugation refers to how a verb changes to indicate a different person, number, tense, or mood.

I'm a student. (1st person, singular, present simple, indicative mood)

Verbs should be conjugated with regards to person. Depending on the subject, a verb can stand in the first, second, or third person. Study the following table:

1st personIwe
2nd personyouyou
3rd personhe/she/itthey

As you can see, the pronouns I, we refer to the first person; you - to the second person; he, she, it, they - to the third person.

We work on Saturdays (first person)

You need to take a break (second person)
It is snowing outside (third person)

Usually we assume the person of the verb in the sentence automatically as we almost always state a subject explicitly.

Sarah has signed up for a yoga class (Sarah can be substituted with the pronoun she; the verb is in the third person)

Note that the verb to be is irregular and has 3 forms in present tenses and 2 forms in past tenses. These forms depend on the person expressed by the subject.

1st personI amwe areI waswe were
2nd personyou areyou areyou wereyou were
3rd personhe/she/it isthey arehe/she/it wasthey were

Guided Practice#

Substitute the subject with the correct pronoun.

  • Mrs. Glare is the friendliest person on earth!
  • A bird is sitting on my windowsill.
  • The Lakers are going to stay at our place for 3 days.

Fill in the gaps with the verb to be in the correct form.

  • My parents .................... watching a movie. Steve .................... playing outside, and I .................... melting on the couch.
  • Will you .................... free tonight. I'd really appreciate if we could spend the evening together.
  • It .................... so cold yesterday! And as always, I had already put my winter clothes away into the closet.

Short Story using Verb Conjugation#

-When I was your age, I wanted to become a nurse. I liked the idea of helping people when they need it the most.

-Why aren't you a nurse then, grandma?

-Well, sweetie, we grow up, and sometimes our goals change. I'm a teacher now, and I have never regretted my choice.

-And you are helping people anyway!

-That's true!

Independent Practice#

Decide whether the verb stands in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person.

  1. Why can't we find a common ground?
  2. You should be attentive to details.
  3. These jeans are too tight!
  4. I was too shy to say a word.
  5. The Potts will be attending the ceremony as well.

Fill in the gaps with the verb to be in the correct form.

  1. You must .................... kidding me! How .................... this possible?
  2. If we .................... invited, we need to think of a present.
  3. We have .................... here for ages! We can't wait any longer.
  4. Someone called you when you .................... running outside.
  5. I .................... so frustated! Why .................... it so difficult to find a paid internship now?

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