
Articles are words that define a noun as specific or unspecific. English has two types of articles:

  • indefinite: a/an
  • definite: the

I'am a nurse. The hospital I'm working in is huge

The indefinite article takes two forms - a/an. Use the indefinite article a when it precedes a word that begins with a consonant. Use the indefinite article an when it precedes a word that begins with a vowel. For example:

  • a table
  • an umbrella
  • a university
  • an honest person

The indefinite article a indicates that a noun refers to a general idea rather than a particular thing.

What does a fox say?

We use a/an when the listener does not know which person or thing we are talking about.

Helen's brother works in a factory. I don't know which factory exactly

If we refer to something for the first time, it will be new information for the listener so we use a/an. When referencing to the same thing again use the because now the listener knows what we are talking about.

I bought a new computer. It's really great! The computer is much better than my previous one

The definite article is the word the. It limits the meaning of a noun to one particular thing. We use the when it is clear which thing or person we are talking about.

The cake is in the fridge. I know that Kate made it

We use the definite article the with:

  • nationalities and other groups -- the French, the Italians, the old, the poor
  • time -- in the past, in the future (but at present)
  • superlatives -- You are the first one!
  • musical instruments -- I played the piano as a kid
  • countries which are group or plural -- the U.S., the U.K., the United Arab Emirates, the Netherlands
  • names of ships -- We sailed on the Claudia
  • oceans -- the Pacific, the Atlantic
  • rivers -- the Amazon, the Nile

Note: we use zero article with plurals and uncountable nouns when we are generally talking about something.

Dogs are not allowed in that shop *

The dogs next door were barking at night *

Guided Practice#

  • .................... apple.
  • .................... European country.
  • .................... talented actor.
  • .................... union.
  • .................... monk.
  • Should I get her .................... gift? I've just met her.
  • Well, I bought .................... dress for the upcoming party. I'll go to a spa, get a hair-do, and I'll look amazing in .................... dress.
  • the Russians, the British, the sick, the educated
  • in the near future (but at present)
  • the best performance
  • to play the flute
  • the U.K., the Netherlands
  • to sail on the Mary
  • the Indian ocean
  • the Thames
  • Fruit and vegetables are food for your health.

Short Story using Articles#

-Liz, can I get you anything?

-A cup of coffee would be nice. I feel extremely exhausted. I haven't thought that flying over the Atlantic would be the worst trip I've ever taken. And you know that I hate train rides the most!

-Well, the flight was delayed too so you were stuck at the airport for a longer period of time.

-I am just hoping that in the near future we'll build a teleport. Then travelling from the U.S. to the Netherlands won't take that long!

-I wish it were like that! Here is your coffee.

-Thank you!

Independent Practice#

Fill in the gaps with a, an, the. Sometimes no article is needed.

  1. .................... dog that bit me ran away. .................... wounds were treated by .................... doctor. .................... Dr. Smith is .................... professional!
  2. .................... Rabbits are .................... small mammals in .................... family Leporadae.
  3. .................... Love is .................... wonderful thing.
  4. .................... Olivia is .................... English teacher. She's not working at .................... present.
  5. I didn't want to go to .................... parking lot so I went .................... home on .................... foot. It was only .................... 15 minutes walk.

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