Adverbs of Manner

Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens.

I carefully read the note left on the counter

Adverbs of manner are usually placed either before the main verb or after the object.

Tom quickly left the building

Tom left the building quickly

Note that such adverbs as well, badly, hard, fast are always placed after the verb.

Alice hard worked. Alice worked hard

When there is more than one verb in a clause, the position of the adverbs is very important.

Samuel slowly decided to leave the party (The adverb modifies the verb 'decided'.)

Samuel decided to leave party slowly (The adverb describes the clause 'to leave the party'.)

Sometimes a writer puts an adverb of manner at the beginning of the sentence to catch the reader's attention.

Confidently she entered the room

Guided Practice#

  • I typed the message (hurry) ....................
  • And the sentence ended.
  • (Finn/well/on his exam/to do).
  • They quietly asked us to leave the house.
  • They asked us to leave the house quitely.
  • He · the knife · to pick up · slowly.

Short Story using Adverbs of Manner#

-I don't know what's going on with Kate...

-What do you mean?

-Well, she finishes her meals quickly and storms back to her room. When she is in the living room she just quietly reads something and doesn't say a word. And today she angrily slammed the door right in front of me!

-Maybe she is upset? Or is she angry with you?

-I don't know! Whenever I try to initiate a conversation, she answers passively-aggressively.

-Be bold and ask her! You are siblings after all. She can't stay mad forever.

Independent Practice#

Fill in the gaps with the adverbs.

truthfully · badly · patiently · safely · recklessly

  1. The score was 3-2. Even though we lost, I don't think we played ....................

  2. I don't want to be with her in the same car ever again! She drives ....................

  3. The plane landed .................... on the runway.

  4. The judge asked him to answer the questions .................... .

  5. Everyone waited .................... for Mr. Smith to arrive.

Complete the sentences by changing the adjectives in brackets into adverbs.

  1. "Is anyone here?" whispered Meghan .................... (cautious).

  2. She spoke so .................... (quiet) that the class couldn't hear her.

  3. "You are late!" said Jane .................... (angry).

  4. I think our national football team played really .................... (good).

  5. She .................... (happy) ran into his open arms.

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