Past Simple

We use the past simple when we talk about an action which happened at a definite time in the past. This tense emphasizes that the action is finished. We can also use this tense to talk about how someone felt about something.

When was your wedding?

It was 3 years ago. I was beyond happy to marry the love of my life

The past simple is formed by adding -ed to the bare infinitive of the regular verb. Regular verb ending in -e simply add -d. All persons have the same form.

He worked part-time as a waiter

We liked our stay at the hotel

Regular verbs ending in consonant + -y change -y to -ie.

  • cry → cried
  • try → tried

Regular verbs ending with one vowel and one consonant double the final consonant.

  • stop → stopped
  • regret → regretted

Irregular verbs are not formed the following the same pattern. Use the past tense form of the irregular verb. You can find the list of irregular verbs online.

  • be → was/were
  • eat → ate
  • drink → drank

Note that the past tense form of the verb to be depends on the person of the subject.

I waswe were
you wereyou were
he/she/it wasthey were

Question are formed with did and the bare infinitive of the verb. Negatives are formed with did not and the bare infinitive of the verb. Questions and negatives with both regular and irregular verbs are formed this pattern. All persons are formed with did/did not.

(+) His sister lived in Sutton, London

(-) His sister did not live in Sutton. She lived in Harrow
(?) Did his sister live in Sutton? / Where did his sister live London?

Some time markers can show when the action happened or emphasize the habitual character of the action (in this case, you can use the phrase every day). These time markers are yesterday, last night, (not) long time ago, two years ago etc.

Shakespeare died in 1616

Ryan did not go to work yesterday. He got sick
When did you move to Spain? - I moved there not a long time ago

Note that we use did/did not with the verb to have.

I didn't have enough money to buy a new computer

But we don't use did with the verb to be (was/were)

Why were you so angry?

I wasn't angry. This was my usual self

Guided Practice#

  • Julie (to pass) her exams this March.
  • Julie (not to pass) her exams this March.
  • Jake (to eat) tons of fast food as a kid.
  • Jake (not to eat) tons of fast food as a kid.
  • I forgot when was the last time I (to cry).
  • Pete (to stay) at home last night.
  • My mom (to drop) her phone into the pool.
  • I (to be) hungry and wanted to buy some Italian food but my friends (not to be) eager to join me.
  • It felt like the party was just last night but actually it was 3 weeks ago.

Short Story using Past Simple#

-Mom, do you have a minute?

-Sure, kid, what's up?

-When as the last time you went to a beauty salon?

-Well, I don't remember. Maybe it was a year ago.

-And when was the last time you had a night out with Dad?

-I'm not sure. It was definitely a long time ago.

-And what did you do last night?

-I stayed at home with your Dad. We fell asleep watching some boring movie on TV.

-I bought two tickets to Costa Rica. You need a vacation, Mom!

Independent Practice#

Write the correct sentence.

  1. Nick's mother (not to want) to stay at home the whole day so she (to sign up) for Spanish classes.

  2. I (to run) every day when I (to be) a teen but I don't do that anymore.

  3. Where (you/to be) last night? I (to try) calling you but you (not to pick up) the phone.

There are 2 mistakes in each sentence. Correct the mistakes.

  1. Kim goed on a date with David the last night but didn't call him afterwards.

  2. How you did get this job? There was so many people ready to kill for it!

  3. We didn't invited Ann to the party. No one really likes her after she badmouthied Kristen.

  4. Yesterday I driven to Houston to see Dan. We wented to high school together.

Answer the questions.

  1. Where did you grow up?

  2. What did you do last night?

  3. When was the last time you went on a trip?

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