Subject Pronouns

A subject is the person or thing that performs the action in the clause or sentence. A subject pronoun is a pronoun that takes the place of a noun as the subject of a sentence.

She told me about her worries

Subject pronouns replace nouns that are the subject of their clause. Look the following table.

1st personIwe
2nd personyouyou
3rd personhe/she/itthey

We should replace the subject with a subject pronoun to avoid repetition.

Mary is a student and Mary is very hard working. Mary is a student and she is very hard working

We use the subject pronoun it when we refer to objects, things, animals, or ideas.

Love is eternal. It will last forever

Sometimes when we don't know the sex of a baby, we can use it.

Their baby is so small. it only weights 2 kilos

We use it when we talk about time, weather, or temperature.

What time is it? - It's 7 o'clock. It's quite cold today

Guided Practice#

  • Helen - ....................
  • dog - ....................
  • students - ....................
  • my brother and I - ....................
  • Fred and Molly are very good friends. Fred and Molly have known each other since middle school.
  • Look at the cat! The cat is so cute!
  • The baby didn't sleep well. .................... kicking all night.
  • .................... -10 ℃ outside. You should definitely wear a hat!

Short Story using Subject Pronouns#

-Shall we go out tonight? The weather is lovely!

-Yes, it is! Maybe we could go for a walk? I don't feel like eating.

-It's strange. Are you feeling well?

-I'm alright, thank you. I was at my grandma's today and she cooked a lot of stuff for lunch. I felt like I was about to explode!

-I know the feeling! All grandmas are like that. They show their love by feeding their grandkids.

Independent Practice#

Replace the subject with the appropriate pronoun.

  1. Kyle is looking for a job at the moment.
  2. My kids absolutely love reading books.
  3. The temperature is 25 ℃ today.
  4. My friends and I like to go on trips together.
  5. Mrs. Smith is my neighbour.

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. The dog stole Amanda's hot dog before he ran away.
  2. My brother likes working out in the morning. He gives him energy for the rest of the day.
  3. There are raindrops on my windows. Are they raining again?
  4. Her husband is really sweet because her husband brings her breakfast in bed.
  5. You can have ice cream after they eat your broccoli.

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