Prepositions of Time

Prepositions of time are used to denote specific time periods. We usually use prepositions of time when we answer the question beginning with "When?".

When did you move to New York? - I moved there in 2007

There are three main prepositions of time:

  • at -- denotes precise time.

I'll pick you up at 5

We're all going to be sleeping at midnight

Note that at is also used with such expressions as at night, at weekend, at Christmas, at the moment, at present, at the same time.

Mr. Ruffus isn't available at the moment. May I take a message?

  • on -- used for days and dates.

I'm meeting up with my friends on Saturday. And on Sunday Morning I'm flying to Seattle

Mike has the project presentation on 11 November
My family does nothing on Christmas Day

  • in -- denotes longer period of time like months, years, centuries etc.

The Parkers are moving to Greece in March

The story is set in the 80s
Life in Middle Ages wasn't like in a fairy tale. I don't know how people lived in the past!

Note that in is also used with such phrases as in the morning/afternoon/evening.

Theo is an owl. He has a hard time getting up in the mornings

Note that we do not use prepositions before last/next/every/this

I guess we'll see Alice on next Monday. I guest we'll see Alice next Monday

Guided Practice#

  • Should I wake up you .................... 6 .................... 1 January? - Absolutely not! Why would you even do that? - I just figured that if you start celebrating New Year .................... 11 p.m., you should be still up .................... that hour.
  • .................... my free time I like yo go to bars and listen to bands there. For example, I went to see the Ribzz performing .................... Sunday evening. It was simply amazing! Too bad that I had to work .................... Monday and I couldn't stay for too long that night.
  • Clark usually takes a shower .................... the morning and .................... the evening. But .................... this week he is taking a shower three or four times a day. It's an unusually hot summer!

Short Story using Prepositions of Time#

-What does your summer look like?

-Well, I have my exams in June. I'll be studying in the mornings, in the afternoons, in the evenings...

-And at nights?

-No, not at nights. Nights are for sleeping only! I try not to mess up with my sleep schedule.

-That's a smart decision!

-Thanks! Then in a couple of weeks I'll be backpacking with my friends. We haven't done it in such a long time. And on 4 July I'll be at my parents`.

Independent Practice#

Fill in the gaps with at, in, on. Sometimes no preposition is needed.

  1. I don't like working out .................... the mornings. I'm super hungry after sleeping.

  2. Where will you be .................... New Year's Eve?

  3. Carol went to Spain .................... last July. And .................... this time she'll go to Portugal.

  4. My parents were born .................... the 60s.

  5. It rains a lot .................... winter here.

  6. I dont' feel like to going out .................... Friday evening.

  7. They're getting married .................... 27 August.

  8. Claudia lived in Peru .................... 2015.

  9. I don't want to do anything special .................... my birthday.

  10. Frank usually eats lunch .................... noon

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