Object Pronouns

An object is the person or thing that receives the action in the clause or sentence. An object pronoun is a pronoun that takes the place of a noun as the object of sentence.

She told me about her worries

Note that object pronoun comes after a verb or a preposition.

Object pronouns are used to replace nouns that are the direct or indirect object of a clause. Study the following table:


Object pronouns come either after a verb or a preposition.

Ethan asked me to talk to them

Note that the subject pronoun it and the object pronoun it look the same.

Do you know the movie 'Pretty Lady'? It is my favourite! *

I've seen it many times *

Remember that object nouns are always the recipients of the action in sentences.

He and me went to the movies. He and I went to the movies

Mrs. Keith called her and I. Mrs. Keith called her and me

We should replace the object with an object pronoun to avoid repetition.

I can't stop thinking about Amy. I can't stop imagining my future with Amy. I can't stop imagining my future with her

Guided Practice#

  • I - ....................
  • you - ....................
  • he - ....................
  • she - ....................
  • it - ....................
  • we - ....................
  • they - ....................
  • My mom asked (I) .................... to do (it) ....................
  • I like this book a lot. It is one of my favourites.
  • I often read it when I'm feeling down.
  • John invited them and I to his party.
  • You can't talk with Greg every hour. Constantly being on the phone with Greg leaves you with zero free time.

Short Story using Object Pronouns#

-What should I get them? It's their anniversary but I can't think of gift. It should be something cheap but yet memorable.

-Why don't you give them something that you made yourself? Maybe a poster with their photos that they haven't seen? I think they'll be happy to get it!

-I knew that I could turn to you! This is a great idea! I'll definitely do it.

Independent Practice#

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate object pronouns.

  1. I saw the way Kate talks with Geoffrey. I am sure that she is in love with .................... .
  2. I can't find my glasses. Maybe that's because I'm wearing .................... .
  3. Is that Mike's new girlfriend? - Don't ask me, ask .................... .
  4. Why is he always talking about Liz? - He obviously likes .................... .
  5. Amy doesn't want to be in the same room with Nick and .................... . I think she doesn't like us.
  6. What's the title of the movie we saw last night? - I don't remember .................... .
  7. Your brothers are being very noisy. Could you ask .................... to be quiter.
  8. I can't stop thinking about his words. It's been bugging .................... for a long time.
  9. Do you like apples? - I absolutely love .................... .
  10. Why don't they invite .................... over ? My husband and I are very nice people

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