Conditionals Zero Type

Zero conditionals are used to describe things that are always or generally true. Thus we refer to the real and possible situations, general truths, or scientific facts.

If two people fall in love, they become a couple (In general, people become a couple if they fall in love with each other)

The order of the main clause and if clauses is not fixed. Although when the if clause precedes the main one, use a comma.

Use the present simple tense in both parts of the zero conditionals. Note that the order of the main and if clauses is not fixed. Although when the if clause precedes the main one, use a comma.

IF clause (If + present simple)MAIN clause (present simple)
If the temperature is above 0 degrees outside,the snow melts
If my friend invites me over,I always accept her invitation

Note that we can use when instead of if without any changes in the meaning.

When winter comes, the birds fly to the south

Zero conditionals are often used to give instructions. In this case, we use the imperatives in the main clause.

Call me if you need any help

If you are not satisfied with your major, change it

Guided Practice#

  • People close their eyes (....................) when they get scared (....................).
  • Pupils can be expelled (....................) if they don't respect school rules (....................).
  • If you want to buy something sweet (....................), go to the supermarket (....................).

Use the present simple tense in both parts of the zero conditionals.

when - people - to throw away - plastic bottles - we - to pollute - our planet.

if - it - to be late - not to go home - alone.

Short Story using Conditionals Zero Type#

If Josh calls me, tell him I'm busy.

But what if he calls again?

Tell him that I'm still busy.

Why are you ignoring him?

-Well, if someone ignores me for a week, I do the same. I know that it is petty, but I'm really annoyed.

Independent Practice#

Find mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. If you not want to go, just let me know.

  2. You get green, if you mix yellow and blue.

  3. When people cry, if they feel better afterwards.

  4. If we don't cook anything at home, we eat when at the cafe nearby.

  5. When parents will spend a lot of time with their kids, it helps them to build a strong bond.

  6. You can call anyone if you don't have money on your phone.

  7. My friend always send me funny pictures when he is at work.

Write two sentences with zero conditionals and one zero conditional with the imperative.

  1. ....................
  2. ....................
  3. ....................

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