Conditionals Type 2

Conditionals type 2 or second conditionals are used to describe hypothetical, unlikely, or impossible situations. These sentences are not based on facts, thus we can refer to any time.

If Peter cleaned his place, he would let us come in.

Use the past simple tense in the if clause and would + V in the main clause. Note that the order of the main and if clauses is not fixed. Although when the if clause precedes the main one, use a comma.

IF clause (If + past simple)MAIN clause (would + V)
If I won 1 million dollars,I would give it to charity.
If you found a formal black dress,it would look perfect on you.

Note that if we use the verb to be in the if clause, the form were is used even with the 1st and 3rd person. We often use "If I were you..." to express our opinion or to give advice.

If I were a chef, I would work at some Italian restaurant

If I were you, I wouldn't take that job

Compare the first conditional and the second conditional:

(It is December right now) If it snows today, we will definitely make a snowman

(It is May right now) If it snowed today, we would be surprised

Guided Practice#

  • If I've seen it earlier, I'll let you know. (....................).
  • If I were you, I would go on trip with us. (....................).
  • If he cheated, she would dump him at once. (....................).

Use the past simple tense in the if clause and would + V in the main clause.

What - your dog - to say - if - it - can - to speak?

What - you - to buy - if - you - to have - only 10 dollars.

Short Story using Conditionals Type 2#

If I knew what to do, it would help me a lot.

If I were you, I would just listen to my guts.

If I listened to my inner voice, I would certainly make a stupid decision in this situation. I make stupid decisions when I'm stressed.

-At least it would be your own decision.

Independent Practice#

Match the sentences.

a. I don't have an umbrella, so if it rained,1. we would buy a bigger house.
b. If I won a lottery,2. if you saw a kitten at your entrance door?
c. If we had more money,3. I would get wet.
d. If I were you,4. I would buy these shoes.
e. What would you do5. If he worked out more.
f. If they didn't like each other,6. I would travel around the world.
g. Terry would be a bodybuilder7. they wouldn't be friends.

Write three sentences with second conditionals.

  1. ....................
  2. ....................
  3. ....................

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